- WordCamp SEO Workshop
- DIY SEO Bootcamp
The challenge with understanding and getting better results from digital marketing and SEO is not due to a lack of information out there. A number of resources, articles and guides exist that are free, credible, and readily available.
The challenge with understanding SEO lies in sorting out the credible information from the bad (or outdated), determining the relevant from the irrelevant, and deciphering the technical jargon. The details and nuances need to be presented to marketers, digital leadership, and small business owners in an understandable, sequential and non-technical manner.
And that’s where I come in. I love speaking about SEO, Google Analytics, and SEO Content Activities that generate more awareness, traffic, conversions, and profits. I’m on the faculty for the AMA (American Marketing Association), and I teach my own SEO coaching groups, workshops and trainings on the side.
Looking for an SEO Speaker?
With 50+ SEO talks under my belt, I’m available for speaking opportunities in Atlanta and nationwide to present my popular SEO presentations and workshops. I frequently speak to web designers, digital marketers, corporate marketers, and small to mid-sized business owners and leaders.
Contact me today to learn more.
Past SEO Speaking Engagements
- AMA – January 2022: 2022 SEO Trends for Marketers
- AMA – April 2022: SEO Measurement and Analytics
- AMA – July 2022: Digital Marketing Bootcamp – Modern SEO For Marketers
- AMA – September: Off-Page SEO Fundamentals
- AMA – November 2022: Digital Marketing Bootcamp – SEO Competitive Audit
- AMA – December: How to Do a Basic (But Effective) SEO Audit
- AMA – January 2021: 2021 SEO Trends for Marketers
- AMA – February 2021: Content Planning and Auditing
- AMA – April 2021: SEO 101
- AMA – September 2021: Content Optimization
- AMA – December 2021: SEO Redesign Fundamentals
- UX & SEO Webinar
- AMA SEO for Marketers
- Virtual Bootcamp
- SEO Coaching Online
Past SEO Talks:
- AMA SEO Training – December 2020: Content Planning: How to Create a Winning Strategy
- AMA SEO Training – October 2020: Outranking Your Competitors in SEO
- SEO Measurement and Analytics Training – July 2020
- General Assembly UX Immersive Virtual Guest Spot – July 2020: SEO Basics for UX
- AMA SEO Training – May 2020: Keyword Research Deep Dive Masterclass
- AMA SEO Training – April 2020: SEO & Content Marketing in Uncertain Times
- AMA 2-Day Intermediate SEO for Marketers Training – Tampa, January 2020
- AMA Digital Marketing Bootcamp – Austin, October 2019 – SEO Breakout Session
- AMA 2-Day Intermediate SEO for Marketers Training – Chicago, September 2019
- AMA Digital Marketing Bootcamp – Seattle, June 2019 – SEO Breakout Session
- WordCamp Atlanta 2019: The SEO Holy Grail of Ranking on Page 1: Featured Snippets
- AMA Digital Marketing Bootcamp – Nashville, March 2019 – SEO Breakout Session
- EdNET Chicago 2018: SEO and Inbound Marketing: Best Practices for Filling Your Sales Pipeline
- EdNET San Francisco 2018: Rising Above the Noise: An Educator Reveals How to Get the Click
- WordCamp Atlanta 2018 – So You Want More Website Traffic?
- UGA SBDC at KSU: “Driving Online Traffic Through SEO and PPC“
- 2018 PRSA Georgia Annual Conference: An SEO Roadmap: How Communicators Can Leverage SEO Techniques to Drive Results
- PRSA Georgia Chapter – You Will Be Found: 2018 Trends and Tips
- WordCamp Birmingham – SEO in 2017: Identifying Strategies to Boost Results
- WordCamp Atlanta – SEO in 2017
- NAIS – Stop Being the Best-Kept Secret: SEO Tips
- EdNET 2016 – Moving the Sales Needle for Education Marketers
- SuperNova South – The Future of SEO
- EdNET – Search Engine Optimization for 2015—What’s In? What’s Out?
- WordCamp Denver – CritiquePress: Rapid-Fire Website Critique Panel DIY SEO – The Ins and Outs of Getting Results
- WordCamp Atlanta – SEO for 2015: What’s In, What’s Out and How to Be In It to Win It (For Good)
- WordCamp Birmingham – SEO Workshop: Best Practices for Better Website Traffic and Leads
- FPRA (Florida Public Relations Association) Annual Conference – SEO Best Practices in 2014 and Beyond: How to Understand and Integrate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Effectively
- BMA (Business Marketing Association) Atlanta – Lead Gen for SMBs: How to Integrate SEO into Your Marketing Mix
- NARI (National Association of Remodelers) – SEO for Small Business Owners: How to Generate More Website Traffic & Leads
- Eventeract – Website Marketing Success with WordPress: Best Practices to Get More Business
- Atlanta Tech Village – DIY SEO Bootcamp Workshop
- WordCamp Atlanta 2014 – Keyword Clinic – How to get your WordPress website found on Google and Content Marketing Workshop: How to Plan, Optimize, and Analyze Your Efforts
- Solo PR Pros – SEO 101: Filling in the Gaps
- Towne Lake Business Association – SEO on a Small Business Budget: Do This, Not That for Sustainable Success
- IBANA: Presentation – Why Your Clients Don’t Need SEO – They Need Leverage
- WordCamp Atlanta: Presentation – Using Search Engine Optimization and Social Plugins
- C4 Atlanta: Presentation – SEO on a Budget
- WordCamp Atlanta: Presentation – SEO & WordPress: Do this, not that for the small business owner or solopreneur
- Atlanta Bloggers Meetup: Presentation – What SEO Looks Like In 2012
- TAG (Technology Association of Georgia) Young Professionals: Presentation – The Road Less Traveled
- Digital Atlanta Conference: Presentation & Workshop – SEO on a Budget: Do This Not That(sold out event)
- Strategic Self Publishing: Presentation – Book Marketing and PR
- WordPress & Social Meetup: Presentation – Climbing to the Top of Google
- The Business Of WordPress Conference: Panel Moderator – Adapting a Visual Design to your Budget
Event Organizer and Attendee Testimonials
-“The search engine optimization (SEO) landscape is ever-changing, and there’s no better guide than Jenny Munn to help you navigate. She’s a respected consultant and strategist, and as I learned yesterday as she addressed PR/marketing groups, she “does the Oprah Masterclass of SEO” as far as empowerment, interactivity and great stats.”
-Stephen Brown, APR, Cookerly PR
-“I’ve heard her speak at three industry conferences, and she has brought passion, intelligence, and excitement to the room, and inspiring those who may feel their efforts to represent their products or services on the web are going unnoticed.”
-Melissa Pelletier, MDR
“Thanks for the great SEO workshop today. This was the second time I got to hear you talk SEO; I appreciate going more in depth with your training.”
-Carla Wilson, Wilson Media Services
“Thank you for sharing with us and putting some clarity to a very confusing subject!”
-Warren Williams, Business Advisor
“I met Jenny after hearing rave reviews about the Content SEO workshop she presented at Digital Atlanta. I then invited her to do a 2 hour workshop at WordCamp Atlanta on the same topic and people loved it.”
-Judi Knight, WordCamp Atlanta Organizer
“I meant to write you earlier to say how much I enjoyed your presentation. You broke down the information so I could understand how and why. I’m new to WordPress so that meant a lot to me. I liked the way you used humor and visuals in your presentation. Most of all, the information made an immediate impact on my website, and that’s what I was looking for from the conference.”
-Michelle Hiskey, Freelance Writer
“Jenny – thanks again so much for your great presentation. It was interesting, clear and well-organized. I left the meeting excited to go put all the tactics into practice and learn more about writing with SEO in mind. Thanks again!”
-Allison Boaz, Digital Image Matters, LLC
“You did such an awesome job. In fact plenty of people (even at the final party) were chatting about you and how fun you made it.”
-Jeff Funk, Creative Director, WGNO-NOLA 38
“Excellent presentation today! Would you mind sending me your slides? I would love to be able to refer to them when needed. Thanks!”
-Angelina Ward, Director, Marketing, LexisNexis
“I was present during your ‘SEO On a Budget: Do This Not That’ presentation last week. I have attended many social/digital media presentations over the last few years and yours was by far the most interesting and valuable. The way you presented SEO in three easy-to-follow steps and answered questions as they were relevant really helped to make SEO less confusing and very approachable. I will use what you taught in my personal life and will also bring this information back to my company. Thank you so very much for presenting!
-Tegan Gullikson, Manager Digital Marketing, UniPro Foodservice, Inc.
“Hi Jenny, great seminar today! I really learned a lot about SEO that I had no clue about.”
-Jessica Mullis, Art Director, The Titan Agency
“I cannot keep up in the notes because there is SO MUCH awesome information. Can you please send the deck to this address? Thank you for giving your time to Digital Atlanta, hands down the BEST presentation of the week.”
-Lindsay Woods, RedMedia PR
“I recently attended Jenny Munn’s ‘SEO On A Budget’ presentation during Digital Atlanta last week. Munn gave an informative talk, chock full of tips and techniques for those new to the world of SEO.”
-Jenni Hilton, Marketing & PR Consultant
Jenny and Mickey are on top of the latest developments in search and how to leverage your digital marketing strategy to influence search results. They combine a unique understanding of the underlying technology with a qualitative strategic approach to driving through and making easy to understand principles and apply.
– Steve Floyd, August House
In depth information fill event with tools to aid in projection my website to the next level. SEO is constantly changing. Having a day of information dedicated to this got me back on track. Jenny and Mickey are experts in their fields!
– Barbara Kurth, Happy Holidayware