How to Write an About Page That Rocks (Guest Blog Post)

The dreaded “About” page. Is it the bane of your website existence? Writing about yourself is painful, I know. But take a look at your About page now. Are you proud of it? Is it a true representation of who you are and what you do? And better yet, does it help your web visitor connect, trust, and like you?

The about page is really important for your web visitor and for SEO. Because it’s one of the most visited pages on any website. Google knows how long people stay on your website. They know if people find your website boring and bounce right off. So your About page has to shine.

Enter Anita Hampl. Anita specializes in writing compelling business profiles and About pages. She sits down with you, interviews you, picks out all the interesting and amazing things that she knows your audience would be interested in, and turns that into great About page copy. Isn’t that cool? She was kind enough to share her expertise here on—you guessed it—the About page. Enjoy!


candy and about pagesDoes Your Website Offer Candy?
Guest Blog Post By Anita Hampl

Do you like people watching? If so, there’s no need to trek down to the airport or the mall. Just check out the visitors at the next Business Expo in your city.

It’s fun to watch the visitors to a Business Expo.

They walk up and down the aisles with their eyes directed straight ahead. Since they can read the banners for each booth from afar, they don’t need to turn their heads. They might grab a handful of peppermints or swipe a free pen, if they can do so without being drawn into a conversation with a booth worker. They avoid eye contact at all times.

Expo booths are easy to ignore.

Standard 6-or-8-foot long tables are usually pulled right up to the front of the allotted space, and the company’s employees sit behind the tables. Some workers call out to anyone who makes eye contact with them, others just wait for people to stop by.

But some are different.

See that booth over there? Something is different. Not every visitor stops at it—not every visitor needs a mortgage this week–but the ones who do, tend to linger longer. They are laughing. Reading the brochures. Some are actually filling out door prize slips and … LOOK! That man is talking to a booth worker! What is going on? What is different there?

Hmmm. The tables in this booth are pushed to the back. The employees are standing. They are inviting people to STEP IN to their little 10 x 10 area. And the candy is chocolate. Godiva.

A Business Expo is Like the Internet.

All of the competing businesses are represented. Some grandly, some modestly. They are vying for the same sets of eyeballs. But besides logo and brand colors, each bank’s booth really looks the same.

A Booth is Like an ABOUT page.

Just as an expo visitor can glance at a booth and keep moving, a website visitor can click away quickly if there is nothing to catch their attention. They know there will be plenty more just like you around the corner.

Your ABOUT page is huge for both welcoming visitors and for letting them know about the people who they will work with when they hire you.

Savvy Booth Workers Relate to Their Visitors.

Smart booth workers don’t pounce on the passersby, but they invite them in. They introduce themselves casually. They ask how they can help the visitor. They don’t monopolize the conversation, but they insert enough of their personality and background
to help develop the know, like and trust factor.

And they offer candy.

Do visitors stop at your ABOUT page, or do they keep on walking clicking?

I’d like to invite you to my free “ABOUT Page Webinar.” It will be full of easy, no-cost ways to tweak your ABOUT page and keep visitors hanging around longer. Read more and register:

I may offer candy.

Anita Hampl
THE Short Attention Span Writer

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Jenny Munn

Jenny is an independent Digital Marketer and SEO Consultant with more than 10 years of experience helping companies and content creators generate brand awareness, traffic, and conversions with SEO. She is a frequent speaker and is on the faculty for the AMA (American Marketing Association) and has taught SEO to thousands of marketers over the past 10 years.
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