Is Your SEO Working? 12 Reports to Measure & Monitor in Google Analytics

google-analytics-loveI love analytics. Google Analytics. Along with SEO, it’s another free tool in the arsenal of marketing empowerment to determine if what we’re doing is even worth it. And for SEO, it’s a critical place to analyze where you are and how to determine what the next step is.

Here are the top reports you should be looking at in Google Analytics to determine what’s working with your SEO:

  • Total visits: is this steady, declining, or trending up? This is determined by many things and will fluctuate, but you should have a general sense of what is happening with your site traffic numbers on a monthly basis
  • Google organic traffic visits: is Google finding your site with both branded and non-branded keywords?
  • Bounce rate: what is your percentage of people who land on a page and bounce off? If this is too high, it could be an indicator that you’re not attracting the right traffic and need to be more strategic with your keyword usage and make sure there’s not a disconnect
  • Time on site: how long are people staying on your site, on average? Less than or over a  minute?
  • Average # of pages visited: are you averaging 2+ pages per visit?
  • Site speed/page load time: industry best practices dictate that a load time of higher than 2-3 seconds is much too slow
  • Referral sources: what other sites are bringing traffic to yours?
  • Top landing pages: what pages, posts, and content do people land on the most frequently?
  • Most popular pages: what are the most popular pages people click around on?
  • Keywords: what keywords have people landed on your site with?
  • Queries on pages 1 and 2: what keywords do you have on page 1 and 2 of Google?
  • Queries sorted by clicks: what are the keywords that are actually driving clicks? 

If understanding your analytics is a challenge, then stay tuned as I’ll be doing a webinar soon on this very subject. 

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Jenny Munn

Jenny is an independent SEO Consultant with more than 14 years of experience helping companies, brands, and marketing teams generate brand awareness, traffic, and conversions with SEO. She is a frequent speaker and trainer, and has taught SEO to thousands of marketers, web designers, and content creators over the years.
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