SEO Optimism to Carry Us Into 2014

Well, for us SEO professionals, 2013 has been an interesting year to say the least. The embattled industry continues to fight the good fight as traditional-checklist-SEO evolves further into holistic-online-marketing-SEO (that’s a good thing). For those SEOs still standing, this visual provides the perfect mix of humor and optimism to carry us into 2014. 

SEO Wisdom to Carry Us Into 2014(image source – Moz)

(I told you we SEO people were nerdy. :-))

While the ever-changing industry keeps me on my toes, it really is not changing my SEO habits or recommendations all that much. Any business doing honest SEO should not fear algorithm changes. Speaking of, I’ve been pulled onto an SEO team that is helping a client overcome complete elimination on Google due to a manual penalty enacted for “unnatural links.” I’ll provide much more insight into this fascinating (and horrific) situation in January. As we speak I am busy combing through a spreadsheet with thousands of backlinks. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your camaraderie and support in 2013. I wish you a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year!

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Jenny Munn

Jenny is an independent Digital Marketer and SEO Consultant with more than 10 years of experience helping companies and content creators generate brand awareness, traffic, and conversions with SEO. She is a frequent speaker and is on the faculty for the AMA (American Marketing Association) and has taught SEO to thousands of marketers over the past 10 years.

1 Comment

  • Malc says:

    Hi Jenny – It’s true that if you provide decent content on your site and as long as you don’t carry out any spammy-looking backlink activity then the Google updates of the last two years shouldn’t have much effect on you.

    The irony is that while Google doesn’t like you manufacturing backlinks, if you don’t do so it’s going to take you a few years to rank for anything, most likely.

    It sounds like the site you are working for decided to throw caution to the wind and they got themselves a dodgy backlink profile. Good luck in sorting that out!

    For the rest of us, a few nice backlinks will help to boost your visibility in the search engines; but, certainly, don’t use any mass submission software unless you really, really know what you are doing. Else you’ll be going to Jennie for help 😉

    Happy New Year!


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