SEO Guest Blogging…Buh-Bye! And Good Riddance

I wanted to chime in on the new buzz going around about Google and SEO guest blog posting.

I’ve heard a lot of frustration out there, and I get it. Anytime Google makes a change, I know marketers and small business owners just want to throw their hands up in the air and wish that “SEO is dead” was true.

But believe me, these changes ARE GOOD. (And SEO isn’t dead.) They have been a long time coming and any SEO professional worth their salt has seen this coming.

SEO guest blogging has gotten out of hand. If you’ve been doing guest blogging that has been borderline, you’re probably in this category:

  • You’re putting articles up on very low quality sites just in order to get the link back to your site
  • You’re doing guest blogging by the 10s, up to 100 guest blog posts per month

There is no way you can do high quality, sustainable linkbuilding that way.

If you really are perplexed, here are a few guidelines to tell whether or not you – or your SEO person – is doing guest blogging the right way:

  • Is the site you’re guest blogging on excellent quality?
  • Would you want to promote the post on your OWN social media accounts and send your own traffic there?
  • Do you really think potential readers or customers are hanging out on that site and then going to click on that site and come over to your site?
  • Are you doing at most a handful per month?

If you can honestly say yes to each of those points, then carry on with ethical guest blogging done right.

What do you think? Drop a line in the comments below.

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Jenny Munn

Jenny is an independent SEO Consultant with more than 14 years of experience helping companies, brands, and marketing teams generate brand awareness, traffic, and conversions with SEO. She is a frequent speaker and trainer, and has taught SEO to thousands of marketers, web designers, and content creators over the years.


  • Mickey says:

    Well said! Ali and I were just talking about this earlier. I love your point about being your own social proof; if you’re not willing to share the post on social, then it’s probably not a legit guest blog post. I’ll be using that nugget when talking to people about this. 🙂

    • Jenny Munn says:

      Mickey, thanks for chiming in! It’s so true and a good rule of thumb. I’ve had some clients and prospects who have really taken (or wanted to take) guest blogging to a level it should never, ever have gone.

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