
SEO plays an important role in helping deserving brands be more relevant, visible, and competitive. Discover the fun, complex world of SEO that ranges from content marketing to conversion optimization, analytics to content creation, and more.

SEO Fundamentals: What Do Beginners Need to Know About SEO?

Reinforcing the fundamentals of SEO has never been more important, as everyone wants to be more visible and findable these days. For many, knowing where to start can be the biggest hurdle. This is the first of a 3-part series on Beginner SEO Fundamentals: Part 1 – SEO Fundamentals – what do beginners need to…

My Secret to a Successful SEO Marketing Plan

Imagine going back to the olden days of the 1980s, 90s, and 00s. The days when we’d print every single document. When we had 3-hole punches and we’d actually put papers into 3-ring binders. Before minimalism, Dropbox, Marie Kondo, and killing trees was a thing. I want you to think of your SEO Marketing Plan…

How to Identify Your SEO Goal

When it comes to putting together a first-class SEO program, you need to be crystal clear about this one component of your SEO marketing plan: What is the direction you’re working towards? What is your SEO goal? I call this your “eye on the ball.” You have to know what you’re working towards and ensure…

Three 2021 SEO Trends to Factor Into Your Strategy

On one hand, it seems silly to lay out a list of SEO trends that will encompass all of 2021. We’re not even one full month into the new year – so how can we really know or predict what this year will bring for SEO? A full year ago in January 2020 – could…

Want To Succeed With SEO? Make Your Work Visible!

There have only been two times on record that I have been blown away about a productivity concept:  The first was when I read Essentialism. Essentialism has become the Bible to me – it was a game-changer for my life and business. I consider myself an Essentialist – on the path to continuously taking stock…

Relevance and SEO: How to Make Your Brand Fascinate

Are you relevant? If you’re reading this because you’re here to enhance your SEO skillset, then the context of the question is: “are you relevant as a marketer,” and “is your personal brand relevant”? Are you marketable and desirable to employers and clients? If you’re reading this from the perspective of representing an organization, the…

SEO Inspiration Is All Around Us

Just like how “love actually is all around” as told to us by Hugh Grant in Love Actually (one of my favorite holiday movies), SEO inspiration is all around us too. And we need inspiration. Because the ins and outs of SEO can get tedious and wearisome. And we have work to do! I wanted…

What is High Quality SEO Content? Examples Directly from Google

A few weeks ago, I shared insight about how to be seen by Google as the expert on a topic. I referenced the 160-page PDF Google uses as a guide to help their Raters know what to look for in both high-quality and low-quality web pages. Well, this document, the Google Quality Raters Guidelines, just…

For My Marketing Friends and Colleagues Who Are T-I-R-E-D

I started this morning in a really bad mood. Within an hour of waking up, I was inundated by heavy, depressing news stories about a rise in COVID cases, confrontational political ads, and a few anxieties I’ve carried over from recent days and weeks. Yes, this is the world and reality we live in. But…

How to Show Google You’re THE Expert In Your Industry

Let me tell you a little SEO bedtime story. For years, over the history of early SEO, there were whispers of a secret, confidential document Google covertly used as a guide to evaluate and grade websites, determining who was spammy and who was not. As you can imagine, SEOs, the good and the bad, desperately…