The Evolution of SEO Consultant Services: SEO Specialization for Digital Marketing Consultants

SEO consultant servicesI love LinkedIn groups. Especially the uber-active ones with lots of helpful members and not a lot of spammers.

After initiating a discussion with an SEO LinkedIn group I belong to, I’m more convinced than ever of one thing: solo SEO service providers and digital marketing consultants like myself can no longer be an expert in SEO in its entirety. SEO consultant services have changed.

Increasingly, developing specialties within SEO is the way to go. For instance, did you know that SEO is comprised of all these areas?

  • keyword research
  • creating linkbait content
  • linkbuilding
  • SEO and social media
  • technical SEO
  • SEO and blogging
  • enterprise content strategy
  • video optimization
  • Google Places
  • local SEO
  • mobile SEO
  • content creation
  • SEO copywriting

I, for example, teach, consult and offer client services on SEO basics, keyword research, SEO blogging, and on page optimization. Although I try to be as knowledgeable as possible about SEO in general, I don’t specialize in or provide client services in all of these areas. However, I do collaborate and team up with complementary specialists or refer out business as needed for various client projects.

Your Turn to Weigh In:

If you provide SEO consultant services, I’d love to hear from you about:

  1. What SEO specialties or niches do you have?
  2. What you think about this growing concept of specializing within SEO.


Photo credit to Dallas Krentzel

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Jenny Munn

Jenny is an independent SEO Consultant with more than 14 years of experience helping companies, brands, and marketing teams generate brand awareness, traffic, and conversions with SEO. She is a frequent speaker and trainer, and has taught SEO to thousands of marketers, web designers, and content creators over the years.


  • Josh Squires says:

    SEO is constantly evolving. I agree that it is difficult for any individual provider to stay on top of it all, but it isn’t impossible as long as SEO is all they are offering. It’s quite difficult to stay atop the constant flood of information if you are a copywriter, marketer, or ad person.

    I prefer to keep to the basics and encourage a regular flow of SEO content (blogging, social media, video, etc.) and guest posts on larger sites to maintain a balance. I also recommend staying atop Google, Yahoo, and Bing “place” pages to make sure info is accurate and reviews are mostly positive. (If a company has negative reviews listed, I recommend reaching out to attempt to make amends as reviews are particularly powerful and show up high in search results).

  • Jenny Munn says:

    Hi Josh – thanks for stopping by and for your comment! Great SEO recommendations too.

    I agree that if SEO is all a consultant is offering, they can do a pretty good job at staying on top of things. But as far as being a technician in all the areas above, I still think they’d have to partner up with other specialists. I don’t know any technical SEO peeps who are also good SEO copywriters (and vice versa!). The good SEO strategists often have to hire out for the implementation piece of it.

    Thanks again!

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