My Next Atlanta SEO Full-Day Bootcamp Training: May 2, 2013

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Find out more and register for my May 2015 Atlanta SEO Bootcamp at the link below:


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I’m proud to announce the next full-day SEO training class is taking place live on May 2, 2013 in North Atlanta (Kennesaw specifically). This time I’m teaming up with WordPress web extraordinaire Mickey Mellen of GreenMellen Media to bring to you a full day of SEO goodness. If you’re an Atlanta-area business owner or marketing service provider, you can find more information at
So I know what you’re asking yourself: What’s In It For Me? Well, I’m glad you asked! Just for you especially, I’ve put together the top 5 reasons you should attend our SEO bootcamp:

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Attend Our SEO Bootcamp on May 2, 2013 

  1. SEO takes a village: Sure, back in the day, you could successfully SEO your site in a dark basement without ever having to come out or talk to anybody. Thankfully that is no longer the case. To succeed at SEO (and online marketing for that matter) in 2013, you have to know people. At our workshop you’ll be meeting fellow ambitious small business owners and 2 fun-loving instructors who you can bounce ideas off of and collaborate with long after the day is over. It’s really important you have friends, colleagues, referral partners, and collaborators to sustain your SEO efforts. Did you know that I have a group of 3 mastermind colleagues who come to my aid in a flash whenever I need  retweets? Or blog comments? Or facebook likes? Who knows, maybe you’ll meet your “SEO/social media mastermind” group at the workshop.
  2. The pricing for this workshop comes down to $179 for early bird and $199 regular: That is the lowest price of any hands-on SEO training Atlanta has to offer (and believe me, I have researched the costs extensively). That is $25 and $28 per hour for 7 hours. Where else can you find that value to learn hands-on SEO? I challenge you to find a full-day SEO training event in Atlanta that offers this competitive price.
  3. Your investment will pay for itself: I SEO’d my site back in 2010 and it has brought me leads which turned into clients which turned in to repeat clients which turned in to referrals. In 2012 alone SEO brought me thousands in new client revenue. If you come to our training and get started on a practical, smart SEO strategy your investment will pay for itself ten times over.
  4. When is the last time you gave your business a little TLC and online marketing checkup? This is a time for you to work ON your business, not IN your business. If you’ve had a busy Q1, you deserve this time to sit back and think about your online marketing efforts for the rest of the year. If you haven’t been as busy as you like, then you definitely need to come for obvious reasons.
  5. You’ll have a good time. Guaranteed. Mickey (my co-instructor) and I are specialists at making SEO non-boring. This is NOT a full-day seminar where you’ll watch the clock and count the minutes waiting for it to be over. If you’ve ever heard me talk on SEO you know that I’m passionate about helping other small business owners on a budget understand SEO. That’s because back in 2009, I was once a new business owner who opened up my doors and waited for clients to flood in. They didn’t. Fighting for onesies and twosies clients was monotonous. Networking was effective but often expensive and time consuming. So I committed myself to learning SEO as a business development tactic and never looked back. SEO is consistently one of my top business development and partner networking tools. I KNOW other small business owners can experience the same.


RSVP today and join us in Kennesaw on May 2, 2013 from 9am-4pm. Reach out to me if you have any questions and get additional details here: Thanks for reading!


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Jenny Munn

Jenny is an independent SEO Consultant with more than 14 years of experience helping companies, brands, and marketing teams generate brand awareness, traffic, and conversions with SEO. She is a frequent speaker and trainer, and has taught SEO to thousands of marketers, web designers, and content creators over the years.

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