Search Engine Marketing encompasses both Organic SEO and Paid Search. Read the blogs below to learn Search Marketing strategies and tips to improve your results and get results as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The Best Way to Track Your Monthly SEO Activities

How are you tracking your SEO activities? Oh, you’re not? No judgment here. If you are like me 5 years ago, or like most of my clients when they come to me, they randomly do SEO activities when they think of it and then their efforts disappear into thin air as it’s never “written out”…

The Secret to SEO No One Talks About

If you were to hazard a guess as to what one of the most important aspects of my job is as an SEO Consultant, would you say: Keeping up with SEO trends Understanding business common sense and general marketing fundamentals Navigating internal client politics Having a network of trusted colleagues to outsource execution to Knowing…

Why Copywriters Hate SEO Professionals (and Top 2014 On-Page Tips)

Today’s article isn’t meant to stir up controversy (lord knows there’s enough people who happily engage in that role), but to have an honest conversation about on-page optimization, aka SEO copywriting. Let’s just get to the crux of it: copywriters hate SEO professionals. Now maybe hate is a strong word, but let me just say…

What the Heck is “SEO Maintenance,” Anyway?

  To make sure there is a fresh take on this popular post written a few years ago, I recently followed up with a companion post to this one, titled, “How to Improve SEO: A “Beyond the Basics” Monthly SEO Checklist.” If you like this post on “SEO Maintenance” then go check that one out…

3 Ways My Colleagues Generate Leads and Clients

I’m always inspired when I hear real-life case stories of how people in my network get business. Of course, I LOVE hearing about how people have generated leads with SEO, like my friends Don and Tom. And of course, I’m pretty vocal about the wonders SEO has done for my business in the past and…

The 2014 SEO State of the Union

“It [Facebook] won’t be finished. The way fashion is never finished.”  Do you remember this line from the movie, The Social Network, in which Mark Zuckerberg/Jesse Eisenberg describes his vision for his new company? Well, SEO – like Facebook and fashion – should constantly evolve. It doesn’t die, or expire. It evolves, like all things,…

The Top 10 Most Contradictory Pieces of SEO Advice in 2014

Upon reading a hilarious viral article by a new mom frustrated with the contradictory advice of infant sleeping experts, I was inspired to do the same with SEO.    Listen, I’m an SEO professional, but even I shake my head sometimes at the content experts are putting out there these days. What’s more, sure, everyone might understand…

SEO Guest Blogging…Buh-Bye! And Good Riddance

I wanted to chime in on the new buzz going around about Google and SEO guest blog posting. I’ve heard a lot of frustration out there, and I get it. Anytime Google makes a change, I know marketers and small business owners just want to throw their hands up in the air and wish that…

B2B Lead Generation Effectiveness – What Does Your 2014 Marketing Mix Look Like?

What are your most effective methods for bringing in clients? According to this infographic, lead gen ranks as the top challenge B2B marketers are facing in 2014. Marketing pros also identified challenges including improving lead quality, increasing product/service awareness, reaching decision makers and working within budget. While I know without a doubt that SEO has…