Search Engine Marketing encompasses both Organic SEO and Paid Search. Read the blogs below to learn Search Marketing strategies and tips to improve your results and get results as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The Time Commitment of Getting Involved with SEO

A potential client recently contacted me for DIY SEO consulting work.  We had a very interesting conversation and she shared two themes that I see common in many small business owners. The first is that she understands the importance of SEO but doesn’t have the money to outsource SEO and would rather do it herself.…

SEO Alert: Google Changes Coming This Summer Courtesy of Penguin 2.0

It’s that time again. Google is scaring the pants off of business owners and webmasters ’round the world with their public decree that Penguin 2.0 is imminent and will be coming in the next few weeks (cue the Jaws music).  The goal of Penguin 2.0 is to target and devalue more black hat spam. It will…

9 Things You Should Know About Local SEO for Small Businesses

Local SEO is getting a LOT of attention nowadays. As it should. Imagine if you own a local business that attracts leads and prospects every week because they’ve “found” you online and liked what they saw. You’d say, “Sign me up!”, right? Here to shine the spotlight on this matter is local SEO specialist (and…

My Next Atlanta SEO Full-Day Bootcamp Training: May 2, 2013

This event date has passed. Find out more and register for my May 2015 Atlanta SEO Bootcamp at the link below: —————— I’m proud to announce the next full-day SEO training class is taking place live on May 2, 2013 in North Atlanta (Kennesaw specifically). This time I’m teaming up with WordPress web extraordinaire Mickey Mellen…

Friends Don’t Let Friends Practice Bad SEO: 3 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

SEO can be a complicated process. Especially if you have never gotten your hands dirty with it. Or you’ve read so much about it that you have paralysis by analysis. A lot of SEO beginners – and even some professionals – continue to commit the same mistakes when they do try to SEO their site,…

Goodbye “Atlanta Copywriter!”

What is your favorite part about being an online business owner? If you’re like me you find there are too many benefits to enumerate. But one of those that I can readily point to is the ability to change, to evolve as quickly or slowly as you want. I experienced a major professional evolution recently.…